SADC Top 100 of 2018: Innovator, Luke Dominique Warner

CEO and founder of Intergreatme, Luke Dominique Warner began his entrepreneurial journey at the age of six selling products door-to-door in the southern suburbs of Cape Town. 
The young innovator holds an Honours degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cape Town. Luke is a problem solver and systems thinker, with strong influential relationships and a broad understanding of the banking industry after spending four years at the Standard Bank Group. 
Intergreatme is an Identity Management Platform, that is user and consent driven. The award-winning platform provides users with a secure, simple and effective way to share personal information with anyone. The platform was created to become a storage vault for businesses and consumers alike, where personal documents would be validated and verified, updated and stored and shared in real-time, nullifying wasting time filling out forms.
Luke recalls having to fill out numerous application forms when his wisdom teeth were removed and being asked to supply a utility bill on a regular basis when he did not own property in his name. 
He, along with two co-founders, Dewald and James, founded Intergreatme in 2016, to alleviate this constant need for verified, stamped and in certain cases, original, documents. 
Looking ahead Warner would like to see a change in the shared connectivity and standardisation of industry and business practices, enabling innovations to be adapted more quickly.
In conclusion, Warner’s advice to young people is to expect challenges, start adventures and see them through.
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